Resolving disputes in the courtroom can be costly, damaging, and on display for the entire world to see. Most often both parties leave court feeling dissatisfied by the judge’s decision. There are alternative ways to resolving a dispute outside the courtroom. Mediation is one of the the most effective out-of-court methods for resolving disputes.
The majority of us will experience conflict at some point in life. Conflict is normal and almost inevitable because everyone has their own ideas, opinions, and beliefs. If we all thought the same way and believed the same things then there wouldn’t be much originality in the world.
As a child, conflict often arises in interactions with parents, siblings, and friends. As an adult, conflict arises in our interactions with spouses, friends, neighbors, coworkers, parents and siblings. How has conflict been handled? Was it handled between yourselves with negotiations or compromise? Perhaps it wasn’t resolved at all because conflict is uncomfortable and people often avoid it. Sometimes conflicts, especially as adults, escalate to the point of taking the issue to court – actually suing a party believing that suing is the only way to resolve the issue. This article touches on mediation as a way to handle disputes outside of the courtroom.
Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution and it utilizes the facilitated negotiation process. The process utilizes a neutral, unbiased third party (the mediator) to help the parties resolve their differences. The mediator has received special training and their sole objective is to help the parties reach an agreement.
A mediator does not make decisions or impose solutions. However, they can suggest ways for the parties to improve their relationship and communicate better.
Mediation is an effective method of resolving many different types of disputes. It is an extremely effective and satisfying form of alternative dispute resolution. Individuals and businesses utilize mediation, instead of the courtroom, to resolve conflict.
Going through conflict can be very emotional, stressful, and frustrating. Many times individuals feel as though they have no control over the situation. Reaching out to someone so that you can understand your options for resolving your conflict is something you can do today. Knowledge is power: you may just be able to move towards a peaceful resolution and get back to life.
If you’d like to learn more about mediation CALL US . We provide a free 30 minute consultation and will help you determine if mediation is right for your situation.
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